Technology for me is discover, learn, evolve and implement. It combines 3Ss- speed, simplicity and service. Technology is fast, technology is simple and technology is a brilliant way to serve people. It is also a great teacher. The more we learn about technology and the more we learn through technology, the better it is.
Narendra ModiAbout 800 million people in India are below the age of 35 years. Their aspirations, energy, enterprise and skills will be the force for India's economic transformation.
Narendra ModiSecularism for the Congress is merely a slogan while for the BJP it is an article of faith. Secularism is about votebank politics for the Congress, while it is about 'India first' for the BJP.
Narendra ModiThe quality of education today decides the tomorrow of Gujarat... Government may build schools, but the future can be built by the schools only. The key responsibility of building Gujarat's tomorrow thus lies with the schools.
Narendra ModiChildren who can barely say maa, pappa, are saying Ab ki baar Modi sarkar. This is the power of democracy.
Narendra ModiI don't believe UPA government did nothing; they did whatever they could and they deserve appreciation for whatever good they did.
Narendra ModiHarnessing e-governance moves the access to governance from long queues at offices to any internet point. In Gujarat, our UN awarded widely acclaimed SWAGAT e-governance system ensures that long-term grievances are resolved through use of online applications and video-conferencing across all district and block offices.
Narendra Modi