To reconcile conflicting parties, we must have the ability to understand the suffering of both sides. If we take sides, it is impossible to do the work of reconciliation. And humans want to take sides. That is why the situation gets worse and worse. Are there people who are still available to both sides? They need not do much. They need do only one thing: Go to one side and tell all about the suffering endured by the other side, and go to the other side and tell all about the suffering endured by this side. This is our chance for peace. But how many of us are able to do that?
Nhat HanhSimple practices like conscious breathing and smiling are very important. They can change our civilization.
Nhat HanhTo abandon the present in order to look for things in the future is to throw away the substance and hold onto the shadow.
Nhat HanhCompassionate listening is to help the other side suffer less. If we realize that other people are the same people as we are, we are no longer angry at them.
Nhat HanhThe teachings on love given by the Buddha are clear, scientific, and applicable... Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the very nature of an enlightened person. They are the four aspects of true love within ourselves and within everyone and everything.
Nhat Hanh