Dharma gives you the balance. It gives you the establishment into proper behavior, proper understanding, proper living, but it doesn't give you the completion of your journey. It doesn't give you the satisfaction of reaching the destination and your personality is still incomplete. So one has to have the experience of the spirit.
Nirmala SrivastavaTrue and lasting solution to correct ills can be found only by inner, collective transformation of human beings.
Nirmala SrivastavaThe entire truth about everything can be known through your vibratory awareness. And this vibratory awareness comes to you through your attention, which is enlightened by your Spirit.
Nirmala SrivastavaWisdom means that it gives you detachment, detachment from all that is selfishness, self-centredness, self-obsession, ego - all connected with self.
Nirmala SrivastavaYou have to establish your love. You should feel a hankering for others. Now the competition has to change, the style of competition among Sahaja Yogis. The competition should be how much you love. Who loves more ? Let there be a competition who obliges more, who shares more ? Who loves others more ?
Nirmala Srivastava