You must have patience with others because, if you do not have patience, your sincerity will start doubting itself. So you must have patience and to get patience you must know what you have been so far and where are you. When you will know what you were, you will have patience with others, tremendous patience. And by having patience with others, your sincerity will be all the time complete. By your sincerity, you will be completely integrated.
Nirmala SrivastavaWhat is the greatest thing in us is our Spirit, is the Spirit that we have and we should know that we should be proud of it that we have got the Spirit within us. And if you become proud, then you will not do nonsensical things.
Nirmala SrivastavaWhat is yoga ? In simple words, it is taking your attention to the Spirit. This is yoga. What does the kundalini do ? She raises your attention and takes it to the Spirit. Only after knowing the Spirit you can know God.
Nirmala SrivastavaSahaja Yoga is nothing but love, love, love. How much you love others is the main point.
Nirmala SrivastavaThis is also the age of science and technology in which human beings have progressed beyond the stage of blind faith.
Nirmala Srivastava