Now the truth is that the Spirit is within you and you are the Spirit. You are the beauty, the bliss and the joy of that Spirit. That's what you are . Because your attention is not there, that's why you cannot feel your Spirit. But your Spirit exists; it is within you, in your heart, waiting for a moment to come into your conscious mind, to be felt by you in your central nervous system. It's all there, built within you.
Nirmala SrivastavaReal democracy is only possible when people truly imbibe democratic principles and respect ethical values above everything else.
Nirmala SrivastavaNow the best thing is to put attention to your Spirit. If you start putting your attention to Spirit, the sweetness of the Spirit itself will make the whole thing very sweet and beautiful.
Nirmala SrivastavaAs in any machine, all the wires must be connected to the mains through one main wire. In the same way, you all must be connected to God individually so that you all are connected among yourselves. I have been saying this again and again and again because at the Sahasrara you are being blessed with this collective spirit.
Nirmala Srivastava