God is reflected in your heart as your Spirit, called as Atma. Unless and until your attention reaches that Spirit, talking about it, doing anything about it, it's absolutely useless. You have to be really born again. It's an actualization, which should take place.
Nirmala SrivastavaAccept only the truth and the truth will give you that power to be the real instrument, to carry this channel, that force of love.
Nirmala SrivastavaThere is no need to condemn yourself in any way, or to elate yourself, but just be your Spirit. The best way to be with your Spirit is to forgive.
Nirmala SrivastavaSo to have peace, the best way to put your mind right is to think of good things. Think of the flowers, not of the thorns. What good things others have done to you, what good things there are, what are the beautiful moments you have had, and count your blessings . Count your blessings, otherwise you cannot create peace.
Nirmala Srivastava