Our children must be offered an education up to par with thier potential-and equal to the needs of the Twenty-first century.
Oliver DeMilleProducers think in the language of abundance rather than scarcity, take initiative instead of waiting for someone else to provide them with opportunity, and boldly venture wise risks instead of surrendering to fear that they can't make a difference.
Oliver DeMilleStill reading but learning a lot about true education and the process of guiding our children in their educational pursuits.
Oliver DeMilleTeachers teach and students educate. Students are the only true educators. Historically, every other method of education has failed. Education occurs when students get excited about learning and apply themselves; students do this when they experience great teachers.
Oliver DeMilleGovernment intervention is not solving the problems, and in fact the governments around the world that are intervening the most in their economies are struggling more.
Oliver DeMilleThe founding American generations did something that almost no others have ever done. They read the fine print! They taught their children to read bills, laws, court cases, legislative debates, executive decrees, and bureaucratic policies. They read them in schoolrooms and at home....They said they would consider their children uneducated if they didn't read such things.
Oliver DeMille