I'm one of those fellows so frightened of driving that I go 80 miles an hour - and the more frightened I get, the faster I go.
Orson WellesI have made an art form of the interview. The French are the best interviewers, despite their addiction to the triad, like all Cartesians.
Orson WellesOur works in stone, in paint, in print, are spared, some of them, for a few decades or a millennium or two, but everything must finally fall in war, or wear away into the ultimate and universal ash - the triumphs, the frauds, the treasures and the fakes. A fact of life: we're going to die. "Be of good heart," cry the dead artists out of the living past. "Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing." Maybe a man's name doesn't matter all that much.
Orson Welles