I'm a really good person. I'm down to earth. I have a big heart. I have feelings. And I'm just like everybody else.
Paris HiltonBeing a President I will carry out a foreign-policy platform that will transform America's role in the world to that of a proactive, not reactive, superpower that will use diplomacy and incentives to head off trouble in unstable regions before they unravel out of control. I will also be wearing platform shoes when I meet with foreign dignitaries to accentuate my well-toned calves.
Paris HiltonI don't care about people who don't care about me. If people are negative or mean, then that's their issue. Screw them.
Paris HiltonIf I was a President I want to put an end to only large financial contributors, lobbyists, inside-the-Beltway fat cats, and corporate bigwigs getting to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom. I will keep that room open only for people for whom it is too late to drive after attending one of my secret-underground-bunker-after-hours parties.
Paris Hilton