Wouldn't it be great if we could be a little less judgmental and a little more forgiving of each other's humanness? We're only here a short time. Let's pay more attention to the good and not the bad in one another.
Patrick FabianActors and preachers are people who stand up on stage and have no problem talking and they have no problem saying, "Listen to me. Follow me. I know what I'm talking about."
Patrick FabianI'm so blessed to have been a working actor. If they still would like to make me a superstar, I'm available, but so far, being a working actor has been great. It's taken me everywhere.
Patrick FabianFor me, there's still plenty of ground to be covered, as I get older. It's worked out great so far. I take it one job at a time. I'll just keep my eyes toward the next job and see where it takes me.
Patrick Fabian