Science is much closer to myth than a scientific philosophy is prepared to admit. It is one of the many forms of thought that have been developed by man, and not necessarily the best. It is conspicuous, noisy, and impudent, but it is inherently superior only for those who have already decided in favour of a certain ideology, or who have accepted it without ever having examined its advantages and its limits.
Paul FeyerabendFacts are constituted by older ideologies, and a clash between facts and theories may be proof of progress.
Paul FeyerabendThe validity of usefulness, adequacy of popular standards can be tested only by research that violates them.
Paul FeyerabendHumane science must be adapted to the requirements of a balanced and rewarding life.
Paul FeyerabendThe attitude of the Church was not as dogmatic as is often assumed. Interpretations of Bible passages had been revised in the light of scientific research before. Everyone regarded the earth as spherical and as freely floating in space though the Bible tells a different story.
Paul FeyerabendUnanimity of opinion may be fitting for a church, for the frightened or greedy victims of some (ancient, or modern) myth, or for the weak and willing followers of some tyrant. Variety of opinion is necessary for objective knowledge. And a method that encourages variety is also the only method that is comparable with a humanitarian outlook.
Paul Feyerabend