Man only progresses by slowly elaborating from age to age the essence and the totality of a universe deposited within him.
Pierre Teilhard de ChardinNot everything is immediately good to those who seek God; but everything is capable of becoming good.
Pierre Teilhard de ChardinThat there is an evolution of one sort or another is now common ground among scientists. Whether or not that evolution is directed is another question.
Pierre Teilhard de ChardinThe machine not only does it relieve us mechanically of a crushing weight of physical and mental labor; but by the miraculous enhancing of our senses, through its powers of enlargement, penetration and exact measurement, it constantly increases the scope and clarity of our perceptions. It fulfills the dream of all living creatures by satisfying our instinctive craving for the maximum of consciousness with a minimum of effort! Having embarked upon so profitable a path, how can Mankind fail to pursue it?
Pierre Teilhard de ChardinLove is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mystical of cosmic forces. Love is the primal and universal psychic energy. Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.
Pierre Teilhard de ChardinWithout you, without your onslaughts, without your uprootings of us, we should remain all our lives inert, stagnant, puerile, ignorant both of ourselves and of God. You who batter us and then dress our wounds, you who resist us and yield to us, you who wreck and build, you who shackle and liberate, the sap of our souls, the hand of God, the flesh of Christ: it is you, matter, that I bless.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin