The real power is love, that which empowers others, that which arouses action, that which no chain is able to hold back, for even on the Cross or on the death bed one is able to love. One does not need youthful beauty, nor recognition or approval, nor money or prestige. Let love simply bloom...and it is unstoppable.
Pope FrancisJesus tells us what the 'protocol' is, on which we will be judged. It is the one we read in chapter 25 of Matthew's Gospel: I was hungry, I was thirsty, I was in prison, I was sick, I was naked and you helped me, clothed me, visited me, took care of me. Whenever we do this to one of our brothers, we do this to Jesus. Caring for our neighbor; for those who are poor, who suffer in body and in soul, for those who are in need. This is the touchstone.
Pope FrancisIn Confession, Jesus welcomes us with all our sinfulness, to give us a new heart, capable of loving as he loves.
Pope FrancisTo protect creation, to protect every man and every woman, to look upon them with tenderness and love is to open up a horizon of hope.
Pope FrancisThat which gives us true freedom and true happiness is the compassionate love of Christ.
Pope Francis