Consumerism has led us to become used to an excess and daily waste of food, to which, at times, we are no longer able to give a just value, which goes well beyond mere economic parameters. We should all remember, however, that throwing food away is like stealing from the tables of the the poor, the hungry!
Pope FrancisThe one who listens attentively to the Word of God and truly prays, always asks the Lord: what is your will for me?
Pope FrancisThe whole of salvation history is the story of God looking for us: he offers us love and welcomes us with tenderness.
Pope FrancisThe Bishops of the Philippines have asked that this year be set aside as the ‘Year of the Poor.’ I hope that this prophetic summons will challenge everyone, at all levels of society, to reject every form of corruption which diverts resources from the poor, and to make concerted efforts to ensure the inclusion of every man and woman and child in the life of the community.
Pope Francis