... the Christian is a person who remembers: ... He continually says to the Lord: 'Yes, I want the commandments, I want your will, I will follow you'. He is a man of the covenant, and we celebrate the covenant, every day " in the Mass: thus a Christian is "a woman, a man of the Eucharist".
Pope FrancisMay every Church and Christian community be a place of mercy amid so much indifference.
Pope FrancisThings have a price and can be for sale. But people have a dignity that is priceless and worth far more than things.
Pope FrancisWe ask for peace and freedom for the many men and women subject to old and new forms of enslavement on the part of criminal individuals and groups.
Pope Francis...these things become the norm: that some homeless people die of cold on the streets is not news. In contrast, a ten point drop on the stock markets of some cities, is a tragedy. A person dying is not news, but if the stock markets drop ten points it is a tragedy! Thus people are disposed of, as if they were trash.
Pope FrancisWe should commit ourselves to 'eucharistic coherence,' that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.
Pope Francis