If money and material things become the center of our lives, they seize us and make us slaves.
Pope FrancisWithout mercy, we have little chance nowadays of becoming part of a world of 'wounded' persons in need of understanding, forgiveness, love.
Pope FrancisI don't know if human activity is the only cause, but mostly, in great part, it is man who has slapped nature in the face, we have in a sense taken over nature.
Pope FrancisJesus receives us with all of our limitations, He bring us the mercy of the Father who forgives us, and transforms our heart, rendering it a new heart, capable of loving Him, who loved His own to the end (cf. John 13:1). And this love is manifested in his mercy. Jesus always forgives us.
Pope FrancisThe family is the greatest treasure of any country. Let us all work to protect and strengthen this, the cornerstone of society.
Pope FrancisToday in many places we hear a call for greater security. But until exclusion and inequality in society and between peoples is reversed, it will be impossible to eliminate violence.
Pope FrancisIn the face of so many wounds that hurt us and could lead to a hardness of heart, we are called to dive into the sea of prayer, which is the sea of the boundless love of God, in order to experience his tenderness
Pope FrancisI have decided to proclaim for the whole Church... a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, the Middle East, and throughout the world, and I also invite each person, including our fellow Christians, followers of other religions and all men of good will, to participate, in whatever way they can, in this initiative.
Pope FrancisHoliness doesn't mean doing extraordinary things, but doing ordinary things with love and faith.
Pope FrancisInconsistency on the part of pastors and the faithful between what they say and what they do, between word and manner of life, is undermining the church's credibility.
Pope FrancisEach of us has a vision of good and of evil. We have to encourage people to move towards what they think is good... Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place.
Pope FrancisJesus teaches us another way: Go out. Go out and share your testimony, go out and interact with your brothers, go out and share, go out and ask. Become the Word in body as well as spirit.
Pope FrancisWhen we are generous in welcoming people and sharing something with them-some food, a place in our homes, our time-not only do we no longer remain poor: we are enriched.
Pope FrancisYet only when we come to understand, in the light of the Cross, the evil we are capable of, and have even been a part of, can we experience true remorse and true repentance.
Pope FrancisWe proclaim the resurrection of Christ when his light illuminates the dark moments of our existence, and we are able share it with others
Pope FrancisFor this the Gospel offers us a serene way forward: using the three languages of the mind, heart and hands - and to use them in harmony. What you think, you must feel and put into effect. Your information comes down to your heart and you put it into practice. Harmoniously. What you think, you feel, and you do. Feel what you think and feel what you do. Do what you think and what you feel. The three languagesTo think. To feel. To do. And all in harmony.
Pope FrancisIf priest is closed to forgiveness, he won't receive it, because he locked the door from the inside. And what remains is to pray for the Lord to open that door. To forgive you must be willing. But not everyone can receive or know how to receive it, or are just not willing to receive it.
Pope FrancisFirst, we can pray in communion with the Church on earth and in heaven. Let us not underestimate the power of so many voices united in prayer!
Pope FrancisLet us pray for peace in Africa, especially in the Central African Republic and in South Sudan.
Pope FrancisMarriage now tends to be viewed as a form of mere emotional satisfaction that can be constructed in any way or modified at will. But the indispensible contribution of marriage to society transcends the feelings and momentary needs of the couple.
Pope FrancisDear young people, don't be afraid to marry. A faithful and fruitful marriage will bring you happiness.
Pope FrancisThe only way to heal is to look at the Cross, to look at God Who takes upon Himself our sins: my sin is there.
Pope FrancisIn a world often marked by selfishness, a large family is a school of solidarity and sharing; and this attitude is to the benefit of society as a whole.... I always thank the Lord in seeing mothers and fathers of large families, together with their children, committed to the life of the Church and of society.
Pope FrancisWe ask ourselves and each of us may wonder: Does the Lord feel truly at home in my life? Do we allow him to do a 'cleansing' in our hearts and to drive out the idols, those attitudes of greed, jealousy, worldliness, envy and hatred, that habit of gossiping and tearing down others?
Pope FrancisI had the habit of not accepting prizes or honors, but always, not out of humility, but because I don't like them.
Pope FrancisLord, teach us to step outside ourselves. Teach us to go out into the streets and manifest your love.
Pope FrancisFaith transforms the whole person precisely to the extent that he or she becomes open to love.
Pope FrancisWhile the earnings of a minority are growing exponentially, so too is the gap separating the majority from the prosperity enjoyed by those happy few. This imbalance is the result of ideologies which defend the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and financial speculation. Consequently, they reject the right of states, charged with vigilance for the common good, to exercise any form of control.
Pope FrancisThe family remains the basic unit of society and the first school in which children learn the human, spiritual and moral values which enable them to be a beacon of goodness, integrity and justice in our communities.
Pope FrancisDespite the slowness, the infidelity, the errors and sins it committed and might still commit against its members, the Church, trust me, has no other meaning and goal but to live and witness Jesus.
Pope FrancisSo many of you have lost everything. I do not know what to tell you. But surely he knows what to tell you! So many of you have lost members of your family. I can only be silent; I accompany you silently, with my heart...
Pope FrancisBut please know, Jesus never lets you down. Please know that the love and tenderness of Mother Mary never lets you down. And holding on to her mantle and with the power that comes from Jesus love on the cross, let us move forward, always forward, and walk together as brothers and sisters in the Lord forward.
Pope FrancisThe times talk to us of so much poverty in the world and this is a scandal. Poverty in the world is a scandal. In a world where there is so much wealth, so many resources to feed everyone, it is unfathomable that there are so many hungry children, that there are so many children without an education, so many poor persons. Poverty today is a cry.
Pope FrancisThe victims of problems of the family are the children. The children. Even of problems that neither husband nor wife have a say in.
Pope FrancisWhen we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so. God is not a demiurge [demigod] or a magician, but the Creator who gives being to all entities. Evolution in nature is not opposed to the notion of Creation, because evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve.
Pope FrancisJesus Christ conferred power upon Peter, but what sort of power was it? Jesusโ three questions to Peter about love are followed by three commands: feed my lambs, feed my sheep. Let us never forget that authentic power is service, and that the Pope too, when exercising power, must enter ever more fully into that service which has its radiant culmination on the Cross.
Pope FrancisLiving Holy Week following Jesus means learning how to come out of ourselves to reach out to others, to go to the outskirts of existence, to be the first to move towards our brothers and sisters, especially those who are most distant, those who are forgotten, those who are most in need of understanding, consolation and help. There is so much need to bring the living presence of Jesus, merciful and full of love!
Pope Francis