Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty. Let us not forget that real poverty hurts: no self-denial is real without this dimension of penance. I distrust a charity that costs nothing and does not hurt.
Pope FrancisIf evil is contagious, so is good:therefore, we must allow good to abound in us, more and more;let us be infected by goodness, and let us spread the good contagion.
Pope FrancisA way has to be found to enable everyone to benefit from the fruits of the earth, and not simply to close the gap between the affluent and those who must be satisfied with the crumbs falling from the table, but above all to satisfy the demands of justice, fairness and respect for every human being.
Pope FrancisThe family is where we are formed as people. Every family is a brick in the building of society
Pope FrancisLet us pause before the Child of Bethlehem. Let us allow our hearts to be touched, let us allow ourselves to be warmed by the tenderness of God; we need his caress. God is full of love: to him be praise and glory forever! God is peace: let us ask him to help us to be peacemakers each day, in our life, in our families, in our cities and nations, in the whole world. Let us allow ourselves to be moved by God's goodness.
Pope FrancisEven the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God's creation, made in his own image, destined to live for ever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.
Pope FrancisI invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them.
Pope FrancisA society which abandons children and the elderly severs its roots and darkens its future.
Pope FrancisAnd does not true freedom mean choosing ways in this world that lead to the good of all and are guided by love?
Pope FrancisBefore God and his people I express my sorrow for the sins and grave crimes of clerical sexual abuse committed against you. And I humbly ask forgiveness.
Pope FrancisHuman beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded. We have created a 'disposable' culture which is now spreading. It is no longer simply about exploitation and oppression, but something new.
Pope FrancisToday one can read the Gospel also on so many technological instruments. You can carry the whole Bible on your mobile phone, on your tablet. It is important to read the Word of God, by any means, but by reading the Word of God: Jesus speaks to us there! And welcome it with an open heart. Then the good seed will bear fruit!
Pope FrancisThe charismatics confused the holy liturgy with a school of samba, but than I was converted when I got to know them better and saw the good they do.
Pope FrancisIf you donโt learn how to cry, you cannot be a good Christian. When they posed this question to us โ why children suffer, why this or that tragedy occurs in life โ our response must be either silence or a word that is born of our tears. Be courageous, donโt be afraid to cry.
Pope FrancisLet us go back to the Lord. The Lord never tires of forgiving: never! It is we who tire of asking his forgiveness. Let us ask for the grace not to tire of asking forgiveness, because he never tires of forgiving.
Pope FrancisCharity, patience and tenderness are very beautiful gifts. If you have them, you want to share them with others.
Pope FrancisPrayer is all-powerful. Let us use it to bring peace to the Middle East and peace to the world.
Pope FrancisGod loves the lowly. When we live humbly, he takes our small efforts and creates great things.
Pope FrancisMay this colloquium be an inspiration to all who seek to support and strengthen the union of man and woman in marriage as a unique, natural, fundamental and beautiful good for persons, families, communities, and whole societies.
Pope FrancisLet us not close our hearts, let us not lose confidence, let us never give up: there are no situations which God cannot change, there is no sin which he cannot forgive if only we open ourselves to him.
Pope FrancisTo live charitably means not looking out for our own interests, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us.
Pope FrancisA good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern. But what is the best that we can offer to those who govern? Prayer!
Pope FrancisWe can walk when we want to, we can build many things, but if we do not witness to Jesus Christ then it doesn't matter. We might become a philanthropic NGO but we wouldn't be the Church, the Bride of the Lord.
Pope Francis10 days before the death of St. John Paul II, in that Via Crucis of Holy Friday, Joseph Ratzinger said to the whole Church that it needed to clean up the dirt of the Church.
Pope FrancisI do not believe it is right to identify Islam with violence. This is not right or true.
Pope FrancisWe Christians identify Christ with the sun, and the moon with the Church, the community of the faithful. No one, save Jesus Christ, possesses his or her own light.
Pope FrancisOur families need to ask for the gift of the Spirit! Through prayer, even in the busiest times, we give time back to God, we find the peace that comes from appreciating the important things, and we encounter the joy of Godโs unexpected gifts. Through daily prayer may our homes become, like the house of Martha and Mary, places where Jesus always finds a warm welcome.
Pope FrancisI would like to ask all those who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all men and women of goodwill: let us be 'protectors' of creation, protectors of God's plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.
Pope FrancisI invite [journalists] to seriously study the facts of Guadalupe. The Madonna is there. I cannot find another explanation.
Pope FrancisIn the poor and outcast we see Christโs face; by loving and helping the poor, we love and serve Christ.
Pope FrancisTo be prophets, in particular, by demonstrating how Jesus lived on this earth, and to proclaim how the kingdom of God will be in its perfection. A religious must never give up prophesising Let us think about what so many great saints, monks and religious men and women have done, from St Anthony the Abbot onward. Being prophets may sometimes involve making ruido [Spanish for noise]. I do not know how to put it Prophecy makes noise, uproar, some say 'a mess.' But in reality, the charism of religious people is like yeast: prophecy announces the spirit of the Gospel.
Pope FrancisThe people that does not care for its children or grandparents is a people that has not future. Because it doesn't have the strength or the memory to go forward.
Pope FrancisPolitics, according to the Social Doctrine of the Church, is one of the highest forms of charity, because it serves the common good. I cannot wash my hands, eh? We all have to give something!
Pope FrancisThe vocation of being a 'protector' [. . .] means protecting all creation, the beauty of the created world, as the Book of Genesis tells us and as Saint Francis of Assisi showed us [. . .] In the end, everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it. Be protectors of Godโs gifts!
Pope FrancisThe perfect family doesn't exist, nor is there a perfect husband or a perfect wife, and let's not talk about the perfect mother-in-law! It's just us sinners. A healthy family life requires frequent use of three phrases: "May I? Thank you, and I'm sorry" and "never, never, never end the day without making peace."
Pope Francis