Dear young people, do not be afraid of making decisive choices in life. Have faith; the Lord will not abandon you!
Pope FrancisToday, we need a Church capable of walking at people's side, of doing more than simply listening to them; a Church which accompanies them on their journey.
Pope FrancisI beg the Lord to grant us more politicians who are genuinely disturbed by the state of society, the people, the lives of the poor!
Pope FrancisEvangelization does not consist in proselytizing, for proselytizing is a caricature of evangelization, but rather evangelizing entails attracting by our witness those who are far off, it means humbly drawing near to those who feel distant from God in the Church, drawing near to those who feel judged and condemned outright by those who consider themselves to be perfect and pure.
Pope FrancisFor us Christians, love of neighbour springs from love of God; and it is its most limpid expression. Here one tries to love one's neighbour, but also to allow oneself to be loved by one's neighbour. These two attitudes go together, one cannot be exercised without the other. Printed on the letterhead of the Missionaries of Charity are these words of Jesus: "as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me". Loving God in our brethren and loving our brethren in God.
Pope FrancisChrist comes among us at Christmas: it is the perfect time for a personal encounter with the Lord.
Pope FrancisIt is necessary to reaffirm our solid opposition to any direct offense against life, especially when innocent and defenseless, and the unborn child in its mother's womb is the quintessence of innocence. Let us remember the words of Vatican Council II: 'Therefore from the moment of its conception life must be guarded with the greatest care while abortion and infanticide are unspeakable crimes.'
Pope FrancisIn mission, also on a continental level, it is very important to reaffirm the family, which remains the essential cell of society and the Church; young people, who are the face of the Church's future; women, who play a fundamental role in passing on the faith and who are a daily source of strength in a society that carries this faith forward and renews it.
Pope FrancisFrom Rome, now the nuncio is on the border where [Ukrainians] are fighting, helping soldiers and the wounded. The Church of Rome has sent so much help there. It's always peace, agreements. We must respect the Minsk accords and so on. This is the entirety. But, don't get scared by that phrase. And this is a lesson that a piece of news must be interpreted with the hermeneutic of everything and not just a part.
Pope Francis[T]he "home" represents the most precious human treasures, that of encounter, that of relations among people, different in age, culture and history, but who live together and together help one another to grow. For this reason, the "home" is a crucial place in life, where life grows and can be fulfilled, because it is a place in which every person learns to receive love and to give love.
Pope FrancisIn this Year of Faith, we pray to the Lord that the Church may always be a true family that brings Godโs love to everyone.
Pope FrancisIt is the Paraclete Spirit, the "Comforter", who grants us the courage to take to the streets of the world, bringing the Gospel! The Holy Spirit makes us look to the horizon and drive us to the very outskirts of existence in order to proclaim life in Jesus Christ. Let us ask ourselves: do we tend to stay closed in on ourselves, on our group, or do we let the Holy Spirit open us to mission?
Pope FrancisToday is [the feast of] Santa Rita, Patron Saint of impossible things - but this seems impossible: let us ask of her this grace, this grace that all, all, all people would do good and that we would encounter one another in this work, which is a work of creation, like the creation of the Father. A work of the family, because we are all children of God, all of us, all of us! And God loves us, all of us! May Santa Rita grant us this grace, which seems almost impossible. Amen.
Pope FrancisThey are our future, and we must have a dialogue. This dialogue between the past and the future is important. Because of this I underline so much the relationship between the youth and grandparents. They must speak with.
Pope FrancisLet us draw from the crib the joy and deep peace that Jesus comes to bring to the world.
Pope FrancisOn a positive note, we must reaffirm the right of children to grow up in a family with a father and a mother capable of creating a suitable environment for the childโs development and emotional maturity.
Pope FrancisI entrust this Twenty-second World Day of the Sick to the intercession of Mary. I ask her to help the sick to bear their sufferings in fellowship with Jesus Christ and to support all those who care for them. To all the ill, and to all the health-care workers and volunteers who assist them, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing.
Pope FrancisLet us remember Paul VI's words: "For the Catholic Church, no one is a stranger, no one is excluded, no one is far away" (Homily for the closing of the Second Vatican Council, 8 December 1965). Indeed, we are a single human family that is journeying on toward unity, making the most of solidarity and dialogue among peoples in the multiplicity of differences.
Pope FrancisThe moral problem of abortion is of a pre religious nature because the genetic code is written in a person at the moment of conception. A human being is there. I separate the topic of abortion from any specifically religious notions. It is a scientific problem. Not to allow the further development of a being which already has all the genetic code of a human being is not ethical. The right to life is the first among human rights. To abort a child is to kill someone who cannot defend himself.
Pope FrancisLet us thank all those who teach in Catholic schools. Educating is an act of love; it is like giving life.
Pope FrancisTo be wise use three languages: think well, feel well and do well. And to be wise allow yourselves to be surprised by the love of God. That will guarantee a good life.
Pope FrancisIf, hypothetically, Western Catholicism were to review the issue of celibacy, I think it would do so for cultural reasons, not so much as a universal option.
Pope FrancisNo elderly person should be like an โexileโ in our families. The elderly are a treasure for our society.
Pope FrancisAlmost without being aware of it, we end up being incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor, weeping for other people's pain, and feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone else's responsibility and not our own.
Pope FrancisIn a word: charity cannot be neutral, antiseptic, indifferent, lukewarm or impartial! Charity is infectious, it excites, it risks and it engages! For true charity is always unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous!
Pope FrancisHow many young people among you are like this? You know how to give and yet you have ever learned how to receive. You still lack one thing. Become a beggar. This is what you still lack. Learn how to beg. This isnโt easy to understand. To learn how to beg. To learn how to receive with humility.
Pope FrancisLet's return to our first love, in order to receive the fire which Jesus has kindled in the world and to bring that fire to all people, to the very ends of the earth.
Pope FrancisIf a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge him? The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this very well. It says they should not be marginalized because of this (orientation) but that they must be integrated into society. The problem is not having this orientation. We must be brothers.
Pope FrancisGiving primacy to God means having the courage to say โnoโ to evil, โnoโ to violence, โnoโ to oppression, to live a life in service of others and which fosters lawfulness and the common good. When a person discovers God, the true treasure, he abandons a selfish lifestyle and seeks to share with others the charity which comes from God. He who becomes a friend of God, loves his brothers and sisters, commits himself to safeguarding their life and their health, and also to respecting the environment and nature.
Pope FrancisCertain realities in life are only seen through eyes that are cleansed through our tears. Let us learn how to weep
Pope FrancisAgape, the love of each one of us for the other, from the closest to the furthest, is in fact the only way that Jesus has given us to find the way of salvation and of the Beatitudes.
Pope FrancisA great challenge: stop ruining the garden which God has entrusted to us so that all may enjoy it.
Pope FrancisWhenever we take a step towards Jesus, we come to realize that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms.
Pope FrancisYour sins are great? Just tell the Lord: Forgive me, help me to get up again, change my heart!
Pope FrancisFundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family. I can only reiterate the importance and, above all, the richness and the beauty of family life.
Pope FrancisFor every Christian, the proclamation and witnessing of the Gospel are never an isolated act. This is important. For every Christian the proclamation and witnessing of the Gospel are never an isolated or group act, and no evangelizers acts, as Paul VI reminded very well, "on the strength of a personal inspiration, but in union with the mission of the Church and in her name"
Pope FrancisDear young people, put your talents at the service of the Gospel, with creativity and boundless charity.
Pope FrancisHoly Mother Church teaches us to end the year and also our days with an examination of be grateful and to ask for forgiveness.
Pope FrancisNot to share oneโs goods with the poor is to rob them and to deprive them of life. It is not our goods that we possess, but theirs.
Pope FrancisI extend my appreciation to the associations, movements and all those who defend human life.
Pope Francis