Aristotle writes that persuasion is based on three things: the ethos, or personal character of the speaker; the pathos, or getting the audience into the right kind of emotional receptivity; and the logos, or the argument itself, carried out by abbreviated syllogisms, or something like deductive syllogisms, and by the use of example.
Randal MarlinSince the time of Plato and Aristotle philosophers have had an interest in taking note of common fallacies in reasoning.
Randal MarlinWhen we consider propaganda as the attempt to shape the thoughts and feelings of others, in ways conforming to the aims of the communicator, we find a vast array of different examples throughout history.
Randal MarlinDown to the present day the luminous image of democracy has often served as a pretext for the most undemocratic actions.
Randal MarlinAristotle writes that persuasion is based on three things: the ethos, or personal character of the speaker; the pathos, or getting the audience into the right kind of emotional receptivity; and the logos, or the argument itself, carried out by abbreviated syllogisms, or something like deductive syllogisms, and by the use of example.
Randal Marlin