Human destiny is bound to remain a gamble, because at some unpredictable time and in some unforeseeable manner nature will strike back.
Rene DubosThe mechanisms of vis medicatrix naturรฆโthe most healing power of natureโare so effective that most diseases are self-terminating.
Rene DubosOne may wonder indeed whether the pretense of superior health is not itself rapidly becoming a mental aberration.
Rene DubosAs long as mankind is made up of independent individuals with free will, there cannot be any social status quo. Men will develop new urges, and these will give rise to new problems, which will require ever new solutions. Human life implies adventure, and there is no adventure without struggles and dangers.
Rene DubosMan could escape danger only by renouncing adventure, by abandoning that which has given to the human condition its unique character and genius among the rest of living things.
Rene DubosThe wooing of the Earth thus implies much more than converting the wilderness into humanized environments. It means also preserving natural environments in which to experience mysteries transcending daily life and from which to recapture, in a Proustian kind of remembrance, the awareness of the cosmic forces that have shaped humankind.
Rene Dubos