We urgently need an integrated progressive political agenda if we are to have foundations for a more equitable, sustainable, caring world.
Riane Eisler...gender relationships, which are tough for people to deal with, are key to whether a society orients to domination or partnership in all its relations.
Riane Eislerthere are only two basic ways of structuring the relations between the female and male halves of humanity. All societies are patterned on either a dominator model - in which human hierarchies are ultimately backed up by force or the threat of force - or a partnership model, with variations in between.
Riane EislerFor most of recorded history, parental violence against children and men's violence against wives was explicitly or implicitly condoned. Those who had the power to prevent and/or punish this violence through religion, law, or custom, openly or tacitly approved it. .....The reason violence against women and children is finally out in the open is that activists have brought it to global attention.
Riane EislerFor most progressives, what happens in families is a matter of "just" women's issues and children's issues. So progressive movements have focused primarily on dismantling the top of the dominator pyramid (politics and economics) and left its foundations (domination in family, gender, and other intimate relations) in place.
Riane Eisler