The spiritual discipline of simplicity is not a lost dream, but a recurrent version throughout history. It can be recaptured today. It must be.
Richard J. FosterThe Prayer of Examine produces within us the priceless grace of self-knowledge. I wish I could adequately explain to you how great a grace this truly is. Unfortunately, contemporary men and women simply do not value self-knowledge in the same way that all preceding generations have. For us technocratic knowledge reigns supreme. Even when we pursue self-knowledge, we all too often reduce it to a hedonistic search for personal peace and prosperity. How poor we are! Even the pagan philosophers were wiser than this generation. They knew that an unexamined life was not worth living.
Richard J. FosterSuperficiality is the curse of our age. The doctrine of instant satisfaction is a primary spiritual problem.
Richard J. FosterWhen we genuinely believe that inner transformation is God's work and not ours, we can put to rest our passion to set others straight.
Richard J. Foster