So much of young adult literature has turned dark, almost pathological. It's almost as if there is a race to see who can be the most dysfunctional.
Richard Paul EvansHumanity is always looking for the next great world, the next frontier. I wonder how different this world would be if we were content with where we were.
Richard Paul EvansPeople aren't wired to be alone. Even in the stressful population of prison, solitary confinement is still considered a cruel punishment.
Richard Paul EvansThe most important story we'll ever write in life is our own-not with ink, but with our daily choices.
Richard Paul EvansWe humans...are seriously flawed. The things that are the most necessary, the most critical to us, are the things we take most for granted. Air. Water. Love. If you have someone to love, you are lucky. If they love you back, you're blessed. And if you waste the time you have to love them, you're a fool. -The Christmas List- p. 296
Richard Paul Evans