When you have any kind of success in life, that's like the most dangerous moment that you're in because you're going to tend to think wow, I can just keep repeating what I've done. I'm a great person. People love me. All of the sudden they're giving me all of this attention. You get drunk on it and you lose your sense of balance and your sense of detachment. I know it's happened to me.
Robert GreeneThere was writing and foreign languages. I always had an ease with foreign languages. So the both are related, both language related kind of mind.
Robert GreeneWhat will seduce a person is the effort we expend on their behalf, showing how much we care, how much they are worth. Leaving things to chance is a recipe for disaster, and reveals that we do not take love and romance very seriously.
Robert GreeneIn the opening stage of most careers any attention is what you want, any attention is good attention, even if it's bad attention.
Robert GreeneMost people have no sense of self-awareness. They're not aware of what they really want. They knew it when they were younger but then as they get older they listened to parents, they listened to peers and they think that, for instance, money is the most important thing when it really isn't.
Robert Greene