James Comey is gonna single-handedly get Donald Trump impeached. They can't wait. They're all beside themselves. They've got more leaks. Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus left Saudi Arabia, came back to the United States. The media says that's because they did something to make Trump mad, they're soon to be fired, both laid off, it's gotta happen, too much chaos. The administration says no, they were scheduled to come back after the big meetings that were in Riyadh, nothing to see here.
Rush LimbaughThe leaders of these moments know full well they're never gonna live next to these newly arriving immigrants. They're gonna live in gated communities. They're gonna continue to be rich.
Rush LimbaughOne of the defining characteristics or difference between today's illegal immigration and the immigration of old is the immigrants of the late 1800s through the early 1920s came here desiring to become Americans. They wanted to become part of what was a unique and distinct American culture. They were all coming from tyranny of one kind or another.
Rush LimbaughGross negligence cannot possibly have intent because it cancels it out. If you're grossly negligent, intent's not a factor, you are or you aren't.
Rush LimbaughYou take a 30-year-old. To him, history began the day he was born. He doesn't know how cold it was 70 years ago unless he's told. He doesn't care. He thinks what's happening now is either the best or the worst, whatever it is, ever. Everybody thinks that.
Rush LimbaughIf the roads are in trouble, if bridges are in trouble, and if schools are in trouble, it's because somebody in Washington wanted to pay for something else.
Rush LimbaughLiberals state that many teenagers would rather sell crack for $100 an hour than to flip hamburgers for a minimum wage. Using the same liberal logic, you might think it would make more sense for the average middle-class worker to rob banks rather than work a forty-hour week? The reason why most people, rich and poor, do not commit crimes because they know it is wrong to do so.
Rush Limbaugh