Then, of course, through the umbilical link we all tumble backwards down the spiralling DNA staircase to one common ancestor in Africa, and before that some bunch of curious monkeys. Down and down we go unto the sea, unto the dust, the single cellular dust. What impulse drove one cell to become two? What yearning pulled the fish on to the land? What caused apes to walk upright? Some invisible magnetic pull. Is there a difference between attraction and intention? Where is evolution taking us?
Russell BrandIf you strip away self-effacement, charm and the spirit of mischief-qualities that make determination and ambition tolerable- you're left with a right ar**hole.
Russell BrandAnyone who's been poor and gets rich is stalked by guilt and fear. Guilt because you know it isn't fair, that life hasn't changed for everyone
Russell BrandLifeโs never a postcard of life, is it? It never feels like how youโd want it to look.
Russell BrandI think what's actually happened is print media is becoming obsolete, and this is like the floundering corpse of a dying media. It is just twitching.
Russell Brand