This movie [ Buried] is strange, because it's such an extraordinary situation, both as a character and as an actor. Both of us are going through an extraordinary situation at the same time, and it was odd. It was weird not having a co-star to cut away to for the most part. It just forces you to never have a deficit in the performance.
Ryan ReynoldsYou have to really make sure that every moment means something, and that every moment, there's a purpose for it. And then you have to blend it all together without it looking like you're really focusing on it. That, to me, was the magic trick that was most difficult for the film [Buried].
Ryan ReynoldsThere are so few surprises left in life. We've gotten so addicted to knowing. It's the Google generation. We want the answer to everything right now!
Ryan ReynoldsThere's a very real possibility in this industry of going out and leading your life and then going home and being a voyeur of your own life. You can literally go watch yourself - where you went last night, what you did, what the things that people presuppose about you. It's kind of crazy.
Ryan Reynolds