You have to really make sure that every moment means something, and that every moment, there's a purpose for it. And then you have to blend it all together without it looking like you're really focusing on it. That, to me, was the magic trick that was most difficult for the film [Buried].
Ryan ReynoldsThere are guys I admire. Like Jimmy Stewart and - a more modern example - Tom Hanks. They managed to do it and have a really high standard for their work, but at the same time they remained incredibly classy and well-regarded personally throughout the process, which I thought was rare and kind of cool. And I'm trying. I try. I haven't thrown any TVs out the hotel window yet.
Ryan ReynoldsHollywood is so strange because a lot of times the battlefield is just a meeting. It's not necessarily like an audition. They've seen clips of you and they know that you can perform and it's a matter of "what is your take on a character"?
Ryan ReynoldsI see guys with, like, eyebrow art, and I wanna tell them, 'You don't have to go too crazy on your brows. Take it easy, man!
Ryan ReynoldsI think we can all use a little more patience. I get a little impatient sometimes and I wish I didn't. I really need to be more patient.
Ryan Reynolds