Just praise is only a debt, but flattery is a present. The acknowledgment of those virtues on which conscience congratulates us is a tribute that we can at any tine exact with confidence; but the celebration of those which we only feign, or desire without any vigorous endeavours to attain them, is received as a confession of sovereignty over regions never conquered, as a favourable decision of disputable claims, and is more welcome as more gratuitous.
Samuel JohnsonEvery other enjoyment malice may destroy; every other panegyric envy may withhold; but no human power can deprive the boaster of his own encomiums.
Samuel JohnsonThe dependant who cultivates delicacy in himself very little consults his own tranquillity.
Samuel JohnsonMadam, before you flatter a man so grossly to his face, you should consider whether or not your flattery is worth his having.
Samuel Johnson