When you first awaken or before drifting off to sleep, quiet your mind, lift up your heart, muse, mull over, make discoveries. Consider, conceive, create, connect, concede that it all starts within.
Sarah Ban BreathnachYou've got to make a conscious choice every day to shed the old - whatever "the old" means for you.
Sarah Ban BreathnachLife is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, but of moments. You must experience each one before you can appreciate it.
Sarah Ban BreathnachYou develop patience that enables you to wait gracefully and gratefully until the best arrives because you know it will.
Sarah Ban BreathnachAs long as you're actively pursuing your dream with a practical plan, you're still achieving, even if it feels as though you're going nowhere fast. Its been my experience that at the very moment I feel like giving up, I'm only one step from a breakthrough. Hang on long enough and circumstances will change, too. Trust in yourself, your dream and spirit.
Sarah Ban Breathnach