Human values should predominate in men's thoughts. Human life has no meaning without these values.
Sathya Sai BabaWhatever may be the experience in everyday life, the basci inner Truth should not be forgotten.
Sathya Sai BabaThink, "I am beyond the body. This body is just a water bubble. I am beyond the mind. This mind is just a mad monkey. I am the Atma. I and God are one. Before this body was formed I was there. After this body leaves I am there. Without this body I am still there. I am omnipresent. I am all." To reach this truth you have to do some spiriยญtual practice. You have to inquire, "What is God? Who is God? Who am I?" Jesus spent twelve years in the desert; then he realized. You must also do some Sadhana.
Sathya Sai Baba