In the Western world there isn't much value given to the necessity for just being quiet. And just resting, and just being, without a focus or a goal. At least a certain amount in our lives - we don't need to do half and half; it's okay if we're doing a lot of doing, we just need some being mixed in.
Shakti GawainPeople with little money seldom realize that people who have a lot of money are also frightened. ... If security is based on having money, it doesn't matter whether you have a little or a lot, you're going to be afraid.
Shakti GawainIf I could identify one core problem about the world, it's that we've been taught to distrust ourselves.
Shakti GawainListening to your internal guidance system will lead to a rich, fulfilled, happy life. That's been my experience... and millions of folks can attest to it in their own lives as well.
Shakti GawainHealing ourselves on the spiritual level involves developing a strong connection with our soul. We heal ourselves on the mental level as we become aware of our core beliefs, release those that limit us, and open to more supportive ideas and greater understanding. Emotional healing takes place as we learn to accept and experience the full range of our feelings. And we heal ourselves on the physical level when we learn to honor and care for our bodies, and for the physical world around us.
Shakti GawainI do believe that one of the major ways that we're out of alignment with our souls is in our disconnect from nature. I feel that we have kind of lost our natural way of being connected to the planet. We need to be rooted on the planet. We experience ourselves as kind of isolated from that, and I actually think that's a great cause of the suffering that many of us are experiencing, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Shakti Gawain