It is not possible to control all external events; But, if I simply control my mind what need is there to control other things?
ShantidevaMay I be a light for those in need of light. May I be a bed for those in need of rest. May I be a servant for those in need of service, for all embodied beings.
ShantidevaWhat need is there to say more? The childish work for their own benefit, The Buddhas work for the benefit of others. Just look at the difference between them.
ShantidevaMay I become at all times, both now and forever: a protector for those without protection; a guide for those who have lost their way; a ship for those with oceans to cross; a bridge for those with rivers to cross; a sanctuary for those in danger; a lamp for those without light; a place of refuge for those who lack shelter; and a servant to all in need.