I have always wanted to be a catalyst for bringing about positive change, inspiring others to choose goodness.
Shari ArisonI grew up in a business-inspired environment, and over the years have started and run several businesses and philanthropic organizations. Understanding how large corporations work, by having hands-on and board experience, I apply that knowledge to the benefit of all that I do.
Shari ArisonOnce you realize that everything happens for a reason, attitudes towards matters such as illnesses, or lawsuits, for example, change.
Shari ArisonThe Ahmadinejads of the world, the bin Ladens of the world, will not change their ways, regardless of how hard we try to explain to them that peace begins with them.
Shari ArisonMatters of the heart are important to me. All this materialism and all the money and wealth are things that you don't take to the grave. One day you have it. The next day you don't.
Shari ArisonAs I see it, we are all connected and share a stake in our collective future. We are all part of a greater picture. I greatly encourage businesswomen everywhere in the world to take personal responsibility, stay connected to their own intuition and unique potential, work hard, deal with reality, but don't give up.
Shari Arison