I’m just trying to imagine you in flannel pink sock monkey pajamas. I’m sure you look stunning in pink. (Damien) Actually, with his skin tone he probably does look really good in it. I would definitely say he’s an autumn. (Kish) That’s summer, you dweeb. (Damien) I find it fascinating that you two women know that color palettes for clothes have a name. The fact you corrected him really scares me. (Sin)
Sherrilyn KenyonMove or die. (Quills) Never give someone a choice that doesn’t leave them with any way out except to hurt you. (Devyn)
Sherrilyn KenyonHe doesn’t anger easily. This is good. (Takeshi) Yes, I’m more of a simmer slowly until it boils over and ruins everything kind of man. (Acheron)
Sherrilyn KenyonNo, I was just wondering who you killed to reclaim your health. (Wulf) I’m sure the cows you eat aren’t exactly thrilled by their slaughter either. (Urian) They’re not people. (Wulf) In case you haven’t noticed, Dark-Hunter, there are a lot of people out there who aren’t human either. (Urian)
Sherrilyn Kenyon