See how exciting Anthropology is? He’s a leading expert in ancient Greece. Now you should all change your majors so that you can ogle men like him all day long. Or better yet, uncover naked male statues. (Tory) Was that necessary? (Acheron) Hey, I live to recruit students for the department. If I can make you good for something, then by golly I’m going to do it. (Tory)
Sherrilyn KenyonWhat the matter, Zarek? You afraid to die? (Thanatos) Dying’s easy. It’s living that’s hard. (Zarek)
Sherrilyn KenyonLook, this isn’t The Mummy. It’s not like a teenaged girl’s diary could resurrect the dead or anything. It’s just the story of her innocuous life. What on earth could an ancient girl have known that would be worth killing someone over? (Tory) You’re asking me that question? People kill each other over a pair of shoes or for wearing the same jacket. (Acheron)
Sherrilyn KenyonYou better hope that I never see you walking down the street while I’m driving my car! (Tory)
Sherrilyn KenyonCan you keep a secret?” “Me and Tupperware, baby. We seal tight. Ain’t nothing going to get out.
Sherrilyn KenyonAnd speaking of scary things, I need to leave. My guides are fading even as we speak. (Talon) I hate when you commune with the dead in front of me. (Kyrian) Are you the asshole who sent the 'I See Dead People' T-shirt to me? (Talon) That would be Wulf. (Kyrian)
Sherrilyn KenyonIt’s a Belgian beer, sweetie. Please tell me you’ve at least heard of it. (Blaine) Boy, I was born in Brussels and the last time I checked, this was my new homeland, America, not my birthplace. So you can either order an American-made beer or I’ll bring you water and you can sit there and act all superior until you puke, okay? (Aimee)
Sherrilyn Kenyon