You were right. My whole crew. Gone. Arrested. Perfect. Shoot me now and save me the expense of a bullet later. (Tory)
Sherrilyn KenyonLet me out of here, Katra. Now. (Sin) I can't. (Kat) Then I hope you can live with the death of humanity on your conscience. I’ll just sit myself over here until it’s over. You got any good DVDs I can watch? It’ll help drown out the screams for mercy. Especially from the kids. Those are always the hardest to ignore. (Sin)
Sherrilyn KenyonOh, hello, me lovely, we haven’t met. Asmodeus, demon extraordinaire, at your service. Any service you may require, especially those that involve nudity and adjoining body parts joining other people’s body parts. (Asmodeus)
Sherrilyn KenyonI feel I should warn you, I’m in a really bad mood. (Syn) You’ll be in a worse mood when we haul you in dead! (a Partini) ‘Syn grimaced in pain at a comment so stupid it didn’t even rate a snotty comeback.’ (Syn)
Sherrilyn Kenyon