I don’t like being here with these people and animals. I’m going to retire, but remember, courage is doing what we know is dangerous. It’s risking our safety for a chance at something better. Don’t let your fears shape your reality because no matter how cautious you are, someone or something always sneaks in the back door to manifest that fear. Better to face it and defeat it than to let it attack you unawares. (Maxis)
Sherrilyn KenyonAre you okay? (Simone) No, I’m in ecstasy. I blew straight past okay the minute you touched me. (Xypher)
Sherrilyn KenyonYeah, but you’re a god of fate. Can’t you change that? (Kat) You’re thinking like a child, Katra. Things that appear simple very seldom are. It’s like the mechanic who goes to fix the carburetor and in doing so accidentally puts a hole in the radiator and causes even more damage. Every person on this planet is connected. Sometimes those lines are easy to see, and others are more complex. You change one insignificant thing and you change the very core of humanity. (Acheron)
Sherrilyn KenyonHe offers you a chance to surrender. (Female Gallu) I told him to quit sucking the blood of idiots. It’s now infected his own intellect. (Stryker)
Sherrilyn KenyonAny time you need an expert parental hand- (Zarek) I’ll find Jericho. (Astrid) Um, could you at least wait until that thing’s housebroken? (Jericho)
Sherrilyn Kenyon