The question remains: which brands will commit to creating a private sector pillar of social change, and which will become casualties of their own outdated thinking?
Simon MainwaringDefine what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those terms.
Simon MainwaringBrands must have a point of view on that purposeful engagement, whether it's directed towards the environment, poverty, water as a resource or causes such as breast cancer or education. Merely declaring your commitment to a category or cause will not be enough the distinguish your brand sufficiently to see a return on these well-intended efforts.
Simon MainwaringBrands are facing a new competitive landscape in which self-definition, core values and purpose will increasingly define their ability to reach customers that only allow what is meaningful in their lives to pass through their filter.
Simon MainwaringGluttony might be innocuous were it not for the fact that gluttons tend to disregard whether their self-serving behaviors harm anyone else. We donโt need to look far and wide to find examples of gluttonous behavior, as they are numerous throughout the history of capitalism.
Simon MainwaringRadical transparency has an enormous impact on our personal lives. We can no longer share thoughts, quips, photos or personal opinions anywhere on the web without being mindful that they may turn up where we least expect it (notably job interviews, divorce proceedings or public media).
Simon Mainwaring