Many messages are just thanking a stranger for a kindness...I love those ones, because I imagine everyone else reading them feels encouraged by such examples of humanity and generosity and tenderness. And if they encourage us to reach out to strangers more often, that's a good thing.
Sophie BlackallSome people have recognized their friends in my paintings, but I'm not directly responsible for any hooking up as far as I know!
Sophie BlackallOn the other hand, I'm drawn to top hats, and spats, and mustaches. I haven't read a Missed Connection yet with someone wearing a monocle, but rest assured I'll snap it up if I do.
Sophie BlackallI usually draw in silence, but listen to music or public radio when I'm painting, after all the important decisions have been made.
Sophie BlackallThe fellow who wrote the post about sharing a bear suit with a girl at a party saw my illustration and emailed me, which was kind of thrilling. He sent a photo taken on the night, and that was a dream-like experience... but even though I've seen the "real" bear suit, my image of it feels real to me, and his photo the interpretation.
Sophie Blackall