I've never been about trying to promote a brand of Squarepusher. I've never been keen on that idea that these are the character traits that I've got to stick with and amplify and keep pushing forward and pushing on the public. I'm really happy to throw it all away and start each record with a blank slate but I concede you've got a point, there are things I can't get rid of, no matter how hard I try.
SquarepusherStereotyping and generating brands around musicians I think contributes to their eventual demise.
SquarepusherOne of the more dispiriting things I think about endless touring is hearing the same piece of music over and over again and I end up feeling like a fraud.
SquarepusherI'm trying to fly the flag for the days of electronic music where people who are making it are also building the gear because that was what was happening in the very early days of electronic music. And that spirit is one of the things that really appeals to me about electronic music so I'm putting this forward as a way to keep that.