Have this faith that someone is there to take away your weaknesses. Ok, you slipped once, twice, thrice. It does not matter. Keep moving ahead. People take vows never to commit mistakes again. Breaking the vows makes it worse. Surrendering is better
Sri Sri Ravi ShankarHealth is not the mere absence of disease, it is the dynamic expression of life.
Sri Sri Ravi ShankarLord Shiva is seated deep in everyoneโs heart. He is Nirguna (One who is without form or its attributes). He is Nirakaar (Has no shape or form), and He is the Para-Brahman (Supreme transcendental Consciousness) that is all pervading. Believe in this. This is Rudra Puja
Sri Sri Ravi ShankarReal beauty is when you're centered, when our mind is with the truth. That is how every baby is beautiful because they are centered.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar