I keep my phone number unlisted and rely on my associates to handle all voice mail, e-mail, faxes.
Stephen CoveyI think that [respect for people] is of profound importance because it means you are caring and you trust them to do the right thing.
Stephen CoveyOur behavior is governed by principles. Living in harmony with them brings positive consequences; violating them brings negative consequences.
Stephen CoveyIf my sense of security lies in my reputation or in the things I have, my life will be in a constant state of threat and jeopardy-a fear that these possessions may be lost, stolen, or devalued. If I'm in the presence of someone of greater net worth, fame, or status, I feel inferior. If I'm in the presence of someone of lesser net worth, fame or status, I feel superior. My sense of self-worth constantly fluctu-ates. I don't have any sense of constancy, anchorage, or persistent selfhood. I am constantly trying to protect and insure my assets, properties, securities, position, or reputation.
Stephen Covey