I always think that, even when people behave badly, if you like something deep inside them, then there is a tiny bit of nobility - they wish they could be good.
Steve CooganI've always been drawn to discomfort and that limbo of unease you get between comedy and tragedy.
Steve CooganI happen to have a public profile. Ditto newspaper editors. It's a result of what I do, not an end.
Steve CooganI'm not elitist. I like to do crowd-pleasing stuff which is a bit smart, but is just about belly laughs.
Steve CooganActually the best thing I did was to get thrown out by my wife. She's living with a fitness instructor. He drinks that yellow stuff in tins. He's an idiot.
Steve CooganI never had any desire to be famous. I find people who do really sad. I genuinely feel sorry for them because there is nothing of substancein their lives. I am happy when I am writing or performing. Not when I sit there being "famous". I like recognition for my work, but not recognition for being "that bloke off the telly". It is genuinely humbling when a woman comes up to me, as someone did recently, to say she wanted to commit suicide after her husband died, and my show cheered her up and made her feel better. That's great.
Steve Coogan