The only thing I know about Moses is him coming down from the mountain with the commandments and saying 'The good news is I got him down to 10. The bad news is adultery is still in.
Steve KlugerJust because you discover that you may like somebody after all, it doesn't necessarily mean there's any attraction.
Steve KlugerWhy do guys insist on wearing those odious jeans with their rear ends hanging down around their ankles? Do they really think it's hot?
Steve KlugerFalling hard for somebody makes you do things you never thought you'd do before. Like pulling off an A in History or finally facing the truth about yourself
Steve KlugerRomance isn't just about roses or killing dragons or sailing a kayak around the world. It's also about chocolate chip cookies and sharing The Grateful Dead and James Taylor with me in the middle of the night, and believing me when I say that you could be bigger than both of them put together, and not making fun of me for straightening out my french fries or pointing my shoelaces in the same direction, and letting me pout when I don't get my own way, and pretending that if I play "Flower Drum Song" one more time you won't throw me and the record out the window
Steve Kluger