Look at a football field. It looks like a big movie screen. This is theatre. Football combines the strategy of chess. It's part ballet. It's part battleground, part playground. We clarify, amplify and glorify the game with our footage, the narration and that music, and in the end create an inspirational piece of footage.
Steve SabolIf you can show something as complicated as two people falling in love with just music and camera angles, well, just think about what you can do with football.
Steve SabolI never thought of what I was doing as a way to sell the NFL. I was making movies about a sport that I loved, about players and coaches that I respected. I wanted to convey my love of the game through film. And most artists convey their love through art. And my art and my love was expressed through film.
Steve SabolLombardi, a certain magic still lingers in the very name. It speaks of duels in the snow and November mud He remains for many the heart of pro football, pumping hard right now.
Steve Sabol