Here's the funny thing about the world coming to an end. Once it gets going, it doesn't seem to stop.
Susan Beth PfefferI never really thought about how when I look at the moon it;s the same moon as Shakespeare and Marie Antoinette and George Washington and Cleopatra looked at.
Susan Beth PfefferBut I don't want to have to stop feeling. I really think I'd rather die than stop feeling.
Susan Beth PfefferLisa's baby was due about now. I've decided she had it and it was a girl. I've named her Rachel.
Susan Beth PfefferI'm the one not caring. I'm the one pretending the Earth isn't shattering all around me because I don't want it to be. I don't want to know there was an earthquake in Missouri. I don't want to know the Midwest can die, also, that what's going on isn't just tides and tsunamis. I don't want to have any more to be afraid of. I didn't start this diary for it to be a record of death.
Susan Beth Pfeffer