I guess I always felt even if the world came to an end, McDonald's would still be open.
Susan Beth PfefferIt wouldn't be New Year's without a resolution. I've resolved to take a moment every day for the rest of my life to appreciate what I have.
Susan Beth PfefferTrust in tomorrow...Every day of your life, there's been a tomorrow. I promise you, there'll be a tomorrow. โAlex Morales to Miranda Evans
Susan Beth PfefferBut today when I am 17 and warm and well fed, I'm keeping this journal for myself so I can always remember life as we knew it, life as we know it, for a time when I am no longer in the sunroom.
Susan Beth PfefferThe Christmas after Mom & Dad split up, they both went crazy buying us presents. Matt, Jonny, and I were showered with gifts at home and at Dads apartment. I thought that was great. I was all in favor of my love being paid for with presents. This year all I got was a diary and a secondhand watch. Okay, I know this is corny, but this really is what Christmas is all about.
Susan Beth Pfeffer