Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't rightly see how somebody who claims to have had -What'd you say? One partner?-can be welled trained." He had a point. Her brain clicked away. "I was referring to the instructional videotapes my agency has all its new employees watch." "They train you by watching videos?" His eyes narrowed reminding her of a hunter looking down a gun sight,"Now, ain't that interesting." She felt a little surge of pleasure as her child lost another few points on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. Even a computer couldn't have picked a more perfect match.
Susan Elizabeth Phillipssometimes knowing when to give up is the real test of character... -annabelle granger
Susan Elizabeth PhillipsWhen you've been around a snake long enough, you learn how to crawl in the dirt.
Susan Elizabeth PhillipsI don't need to be fixed anymore. That job's already been done. I love you, Annabelle. -Heath Champion-
Susan Elizabeth Phillips