...there's no such thing as an underwear elf. Even when it goes missing, it's somewhere in the room. So make sure you find it." -- DARK OF NIGHT by Suzanne Brockmann
Suzanne BrockmannMy glass is not only half-full, it holds five-hundred-dollar-a-bottle Dom Perignon champagne.
Suzanne BrockmannHe wanted to wake up to her smile every day for the rest of his life, like some stupid coffee commercial on TV.
Suzanne BrockmannIf you want, I can carry you—” “I’m fine,” she said shortly. “Let’s go.” He’d said that wrong. He should have said, “I want to carry you.
Suzanne BrockmannI know the M-word makes you nervous, but yeah. I'm talking about the big, permanent friendship. A little different from what Joe and Charles had, though. See, I want to be the kind of best friends who make love every night, who share all their darkest secrets and favorite jokes, and maybe even someday make babies together. I know that kind of friendship requires hard work, but you know, I'm pretty good at hard work. ~ Tom Paoletti, "The Unsung Hero
Suzanne Brockmann